Petra Strickner, Münsterlingen

Fachtitel SBAP in Notfallpsychologie

PsychologIn SBAP

Admission of new patients: unknown
Spital Thurgau AG
Spitalcampus 1, 8596 MünsterlingenSee map
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Areas of expertise

Notfallpsychologie, Systemische Therapie, Psychoonkologie


Petra Strickner on the map: Show

Additional Psychologists (with picture) in the area

Psychologists Werner Krammel Winterthur
MSc. Werner Krammel

Fachpsychologe SBAP. in Coaching AD(H)S und ASS

Coachings für Jugendliche und Erwachsene, ADHS/ADS/ASS-Betroffene, Lerncoaching
Psychologists Rahel Schuppli Schaffhausen
Dipl. Psych. Rahel Schuppli

Fachtitel SBAP in Notfallpsychologie

Konfliktmanagement, Bewerbungscoaching; Outplacement, Newplacement; Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz; ...